Laughlin Economic
A Community Partnership
Laughlin Economic
A Community Partnership
Signed in as:
A Community Partnership
A Community Partnership
The Laughlin Economic Development Corporation is a 501(C)3 non-profit whose mission/vision is to attract -- and keep growing -- businesses, industries, and housing providers that Laughlin needs, and for which we know our existing residents and visitors can support, in our collaborative venture between civic and business leaders in Laughlin to promote the improvement of the health, welfare, and quality of life for our residents and visitors through steady, sustainable, economic growth as we add to our economic bases of retirement living and gambling-based tourism.
Our mission is to create and implement a collaborative venture among civic and business leaders in the town of Laughlin, to promote the health, welfare and quality of life for the residents of Laughlin through economic development.
The LEDC utilizes information on community assets, gathering facts both internally and externally, in our assessment process. We conduct surveys and business interviews, analyze tax records, and add decades of personal experiences in our assessment of projects that will promote development to improve the health, welfare, and quality of life for Laughlin residents and visitors.
Members of the LEDC have decades of consulting, business ownership, and operations/management experience in the town of Laughlin in southern Clark County. We utilize our experience and information gathered in the assessment process to understand community needs and the direction of our partners strategic investments. Thus we plan feasible goals in line with the mission/vision of LEDC and our partners, especially for businesses and industries not now available in Laughlin.
The LEDC can assist in getting your investment moving faster through utilizing our community network that spans well beyond the borders of the township. Our experienced members will make your development process fow efficiently with the lowest possible cost to your organization. At various stages, the process may require stakeholders from different financial institutions, other appropriate companies, government agencies and regulators.
Once the LEDC assesses and plans community opportunities, we oversee the implementation of the initiative or strategic investment with consulting, connecting you to funding sources, and/or communicating with relevant stakeholders including property owners, business management, county, state, and federal agencies, and most importantly Laughlin residents.
Jamie Sorenson, Director
Clark County Social Service
1600 Pinto Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Subject: Community Development Advisory Committee
Dear Mr. Sorenson,
In response to an e-mail sent by you to the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) members dated October 8, 2024, this letter serves to express our opposition to your proposal to kill off the CDAC and take away our community's voice in determining Federal Grant allocations in Clark County.
Since 1982, the CDAC has served as a grass roots citizens advisory group comprised of volunteers from each of Clark County's 19 town advisory boards and citizens advisory councils. Committee members are devoted to understanding the needs of low-to-moderate income neighborhoods within their own communities as well as the needs throughout the County, both rural and urban.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), in particular, has been administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to America's urban counties and cities since 1974. Under 24 CFR570.431 , entitlement counties and cities must develop a detailed citizens participation plan. Clark County's citizens participation plan, the CDAC, has been a nation model since its inception for its inclusion and representation.
Every five years, CDAC meetings offer the opportunity for CDBG applicants to provide presentations with Q and A and host site visits on bus tours. CDAC members see firsthand proposed capital projects that will benefit their communities serving the low income and special needs populations. Their knowledge and experience are immeasurable.
Since 1999, Community Resources Management (CRM) has enjoyed a unique relationship with the County's Finance Department, whereby CRM has entered into Five-year Capital Improvement Plans (CIPs) with HUD for pre-approval of federal CDBG funds over the course of a five-year period. This has been a welcomed endeavor by HUD as County Finance fronts the money needed to begin capital projects sooner and be repaid through HUD reimbursements as projects get off the ground and completed.
If projects go over-budget or are under-funded, such projects are provided automatic and necessary funding from the next adopted Five-year CIP before any new capital projects are recommended to the Board of County Commissioners. CDAC members have always understood that approved projects will not be scrapped or eliminated due to cost overruns or shortage of funds from a current CIP.
It is baffling why the County is considering the elimination of CDAC, despite its overwhelming success as exemplary grassroots advisory group for the Board of Commissioners, without adequate time for responses from the TABS/CACs or from the CDAC itself. In addition to TAB/CAC representation, each commissioner also appoints Wo (2) at large representatives to the CDAC. Together, the 36-member CDAC and TABs/CACs may offer any improvements to the CDBG application and deliberation/recommendations process. Perhaps a CDAC customer survey could be conducted as in years' past to better improve the process. Unfortunately, this opportunity will be lost if TABs/CACs cannot be heard. And once CDAC is gone, Clark County will have lost an integral and instrumental grassroots voice for its low/moderate income residents, particularly from its rural communities.
The LEDC is hopeful the Board of County Commissioners will continue to believe in CDAC's value and historic engagement to serve our rural and urban community development needs.
Martin Knauss
Dr. Brian Paulson
President Government Affairs
CC: Board of County Commissioners
Kevin, Schiller
Karen Micheiin
Kent Colangco
Kathleen I-loss, Chair, LTAB
Pamela Walker, Vice-Chair, LTAB
Fred Doten, LTAB
Kathy Ochs, LTAB
Herman Walker, LTAB
LEDC-Letter to Clark Co-10.22.2024 (pdf)
DownloadMay 2024
The LEDC awarded three $1000 scholarships to Laughlin High School students this year. Jacquelyne Jeffery, Gunnar Jiron and Marcello Faccioli were the recipients.
The LEDC attended the 2023 LVGEA Awards event on October 19, 2023. The LEDC sponsored a table and was happy to host Barbara Cegavske, former Nevada Secretary of State; Gail Anderson, former Deputy Secretary of State for Southern Nevada; Cecilia Heston, Public Information Officer for the Secretary of State agency; Jill Ramelot, Reporter for the Laughlin Nevada Times; Dr. Brian Paulson, Government Affairs Director for the LEDC; Robert Bilbray, Strategic Development Advisor to the LEDC; Cheryl Crow, Vice President, LEDC; Ashlyn Sainz, member of the LEDC and Vice President of RB Properties, and Martin Knauss, President, LEDC.
A great time was had by all. The LEDC thanks all of our guests for their service and look forward to working with them in the future.
The LEDC sponsored a table at the June 10, 2023 Boulder City Hospital Foundation Gala honoring Dr. and Mrs. Joe Hardy. At the table were Lt. Governor Stavros Anthony and Bernadette Anthony; Judge Joe Hardy Jr and Yvonne Hardy; Former Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske; Gail Anderson; Vice President of LEDC Cheryl Crow ; LEDC Strategic Development Advisor Robert Bilbray; LEDC Member Ashlyn Sainz; LEDC Government Affairs Director Dr. Brian Paulson.
A great evening of celebrating Dr and Mrs. Joe Hardy and their accomplishments and years of service to the public. They have been a dear friend to Laughlin Township and the LEDC.
The Laughlin Economic Development Corporation mission is to create and implement a collaborative venture among civic and business leaders in the town of Laughlin; to promote the health, welfare and quality of life for the residents of Laughlin through economic development.
In that light, we ask the Laughlin Town Advisory Board to support the Special Use Permit application made by 8 Minute Energy today. This applies to the 4225 acre Southland lease and the transmission corridor to get to the Mohave Switch Station. LEDC has been a long standing proponent of the Solar Generation site in the Southland and the economic diversity it brings to the Laughlin Township.
One of Laughlin’s future opportunities for economic development is clean-green solar-generated electric power and transmission in the western section of Laughlin Township. This project is the start of what we hope are many more projects that would extend west into the US95 corridor. The state of Nevada has committed to the generation and use of renewable energy when it passed the Renewable Portfolio Standard. At least 50% of the electricity used in Nevada by 2030 must come from renewable resources. This project is the first in the Laughlin Township with we hope more to come to utilize the existing Mohave Switch Station and transmission lines that will be needed to meet the clean energy needs of Nevada.
Thank you
LEDC Announces Dr. Brian Paulson As New Government Affairs Director
CONTACT: Martin Knauss, President,
LAUGHLIN, Nevada (October 2020) The Laughlin Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) announced Dr. Brian Paulson has been named government affairs director of the nonprofit devoted to promoting the economic health, welfare, and quality of life for the residents of
Laughlin through economic development.
Paulson, the former Laughlin Town Manager, has supported the efforts of the LEDC in the past few years to bring about greater economic vitality to Laughlin.
“All of us at the LEDC see an opportunity to have a greater influence on intergovernmental matters as they pertain to Laughlin economic development,” LEDC President Martin Knauss said. “We are excited to take this next step and retain Dr. Paulson’s wealth of experience and
insight in government for the betterment of Laughlin.”
Paulson’s hiring comes as the nonprofit is actively providing a platform for economic development for business and industry leaders looking to expand their operations to southern Clark County and the advantages the Laughlin community offers to prospecting business.
As governmental affairs director, Paulson will enhance these efforts by working as a liaison and consultant with local, state, and federal staff and representatives, including the offices of Senator Joe Hardy, Assemblyman Glen Leavitt, and other members of the 2021 state
legislature, the Governor’s Office on Economic Development, and the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance. Additionally, Paulson will work closely with both the Henderson and Boulder City Chambers of Commerce along with Laughlin local organizations to promote mutual joint interests. He will monitor state and federal legislative actions in relation to Laughlin economic development and represent the LEDC in legislative and regulatory sessions.
“I am honored to have the opportunity to help build and strengthen a town and a valuable community asset, the LEDC, for the residents of Laughlin,” Paulson said, “and look forward to working with the community again and its many partners in both government and economic development in this new position.”
Paulson served as Laughlin town manager from June 2016 until his retirement from Clark County in August 2020 after 31 years of public service, including over 20 years as the County’s senior community development coordinator for the Community Development Block Grant
program. Paulson is a past president of the National Association for County Community and Economic Development and holds both masters and doctoral degrees in public administration from Iowa State University and the University of La Verne.
The LEDC is a Nevada-based nonprofit whose mission is to create and implement a collaborative venture among civic and business leaders in the town of Laughlin, to promote the health, welfare, and quality of life for the residents of Laughlin through economic development.
A community partnership for action, members provide networking, professional services, financial support initiatives, and community building through economic development in the town of Laughlin.
The Laughlin Community Development Advisory Committee, led by members Robert Bilbray and Cheryl Crow, received good news that their effort to secure a Community Block Development Grant was successful (pending final approval). The grant of $4,670,399, through the Capital Improvement Plan Application process in Clark County, is for a multi-generational center at the Spirit Mountain Activity Center located at Mountain View Park in Laughlin.
Cheryl Crow is a Director of the Laughlin Economic Development Corporation, and Robert Bilbray is the Strategic Development Advisor for the Laughlin Economic Development Corporation.
An article in the Laughlin Nevada Times article contains additional details about the CBD grant and plans.
The LEDC is always looking for civic and business leaders to join us in our efforts of promoting economic development in Laughlin. If you are interested in getting involved please visit our Membership page for more information.